Blogger Dynamic Slider - DEMO

Please resize browser window to see responsiveness / fluidness

HTML & JS Behind This Demo:

<div id="slider3"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
        blogURL: "", // Your Blog URL. example: ""
        labelName: "Delicious Cake", // Show posts from specific Label. Specify a 'Label', or leave it empty to fetch from all recent posts
        maxItem: 6, // Max number of Slider Posts to show
        showPostTitle: false, // Show post title as Caption ? (true/false)            
        imageWidth: 800, // Image width in px value
        imageHeight: 500, // Image height in px value
        animation: "slide", // Select your animation type, "fade" or "slide"
        controlNav: false, // Navigation for paging control of each slide? (true/false)            